Friday, April 8, 2016


     Today my mind goes blank as I try to find a subject. So here we are, and I'm writing a post about gaming, because I have no other ideas.
     Okay, so my brother and his/my friends are major gamers. They sit there on their computers, Wiis, or Xboxs and yell at eachother. I have nothing against gaming, actually I enjoy it myself. There are times when we get a little too rowdy and end up being shushed. I can beat my girl friends at Super Smash Bros, but when I play with the guys, it is a rare and valuable moment if I beat any one of them. But I can dominate at Mario Kart, if I do say so myself ;) Just Dance is another game that my friends and I like to play even though it doesn't really count as a skill game as much as being able to move the controller around in the right way. I have a few challengers, but I always think of how stupid the remote thing is when someone wins by only moving their right hand. Come on, that doesn't count. Anyhoozles, since it's not a big deal, we have fun. We also play Zelda, Super Mario Bros, and this thing that my guy friends call "Bamble Bran" which makes no sense whatsoever, but I've learned to accept it by now. So we play this "Bamble Bran" and some other random tid-bits like Nintendo Land and Cave Story. 
     Although I like video games, there comes a point when enough is enough. Staring at a screen for a long time isn't that great for your eyes. Also, spending so much time playing that you don't do the other things you need to get done (homework, chores, etc.) isn't healthy, or being so eager to get back to your "important" game that you get all crabby with anyone and anything that stands in your way. If you are that into your game that you can't be nice to anyone, it's time to take a break. 
     Done ranting. There are lots of games that are fun to play with friends, just don't destroy your friendships by sacrificing their characters to the lava or something. 


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