Thursday, April 7, 2016


     Failure is something to be feared.
     Just kidding, that's a lie. Failure is defined as a lack of success. It helps us learn how to do things better. Failing doesn't mean that you can't ever succeed in that area; it means you have to try again. Every person who has succeeded in anything has failed at some point in their life. Would you be able to walk if you had stopped getting up after you fell? Success is the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. We can only gain success by learning from our failures and taking a step back to evaluate the situation. I failed when I tried to do pique turns on pointe across a slippery floor (don't do this at home, folks). When I tried again on a different floor, I was scared I would fall again, but I did it anyway and ended up doing them nicely. No matter how many times something fails, it doesn't change the probability that it could work. So, if you have a significant chance but it's not working, keep trying. If a couple changes increase the chance of success, switch things up a bit and try again.
 Unless you're trying to do something stupid, like see how long you can ride on a shark while doing the whip or something. Then don't do it. 


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