Sunday, April 3, 2016

Being an Ambivert

     Sorry for being late on this. It was a crazy weekend. 
     So for day one of the A to Z challenge, I chose "ambivert" as my "A" word. An ambivert is a person who is neither an extrovert or an introvert. Most people do not completely fit into one but still show more characteristics in one of them. However, there are some people like me who are stuck completely in the middle. I once heard someone define an extrovert as someone who, as an example, "recharges" themselves by being with people, and an introvert as someone who recharges themselves by being alone. I have no idea where I heard it, but it helps me understand exactly how we can fit into the category. For me, I recharge by being with people then being alone, and that cycle continues. If I have too much of either one, I long for the other and begin to drain. There was a time I took a quiz to see if I am more left brained or right brained (which was backed up by legit science. I didn't believe it at first, but I did after I got the results) and I ended up being 50/50. I've always felt like I was smack in the middle of everything, so both of these fit me completely. 
     Anyhoo, an ambivert can understand characteristics from both extroverts and introverts. For example, sometimes I can be so outgoing that people are like *insert white girl voice* "omg stop flirting", and other times I literally sit there and stare at the wall, anxiously waiting to go home to watch Doctor Who and eat cookies. Being an ambivert keeps things interesting, at least. 


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